Förderung für Forschungskooperation zwischen Bergischer Universität und AIMS South Africa
Förderung für Forschungskooperation zwischen Bergischer Universität und AIMS South Africa
C. Tückmantel, U. Kalita, T. Häger, M. Theisen, U. Pfeiffer, T. Riedl:
Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide TFTs patterned by self-aligned photolithography overcoming the GHz threshold
IEEE Electron Device Letters, 41, 1786 (2020).
N. Boysen, B. Misimi, A. Muriqi, J. L. Wree, T. Hasselmann, D. Rogalla, T. Häger, D. Theirich, M. Nolan, T. Riedl, A. Devi:
A carben stabilized precursor for the spatial atomic layer deposotion of copper thin films
Chem. Commun., 56, 13752 (2020).
T. Häger, R. Heiderhoff T. Riedl:
Thermal properties of metal-halide perovskites
J. Mater. Chem. C, 8, 14289 (2020).
F. Pena-Carmago, P. Caprioglio, FS. Zu, E. Guiterrez-Partida, C. M. Wolff, K. Brinkmann, S. Albrecht, T. Riedl, N. Koch, D. Neher, M. Stolterfoht:
Halide segregation versus interfacial recombination in bromide-rich wide-gap perovskite solar cells
ACS Energy Lett., 5, 2728 (2020).
C. Kriso, M. Stein, T. Häger, N. Pourdavoud, M. Gerhard, A. Rahimi-Iman, T. Riedl, N. Koch:
Nonlinear refraction in CH3NH3PbBr3 single crystals
Opt. Lett., 45, 2431 (2020).
T. Gahlmann, K. O. Brinkmann, T. Becker, C. Tückmantel, C. Kreusel, F. V. Hassend, S. Weber, T. Riedl:
Impermeable charge transport layers enable aqueous processing on top of perovskite solar cells
Adv. Energy Mater., 1903897(2020).
K. O. Brinkmann, T. Gahlmann, T. Riedl:
Atomic layer deposition of functional layers in planar perovskite solar cells
SOLAR RRL, 4, 1900332 (2020).
M. B. Leinen, P. Klein, F. L. Sebastian, N. F. Zorn, S. Adamczyk, S. Allard, U. Scherf, J. Zaumseil:
Spiropyran-functionalized polymer-carbon nanotube hybrids for dynamic optical mamory devices and UV sensors
Adv. Elec. Mater., 2000717 (2020).
B. Wegner, D. Lungwitz, A. E. Mansour, C. E. Tait, N. Tanaka, T. S. Zhai, D. Duhm, M. Forster, J. Behrends, Y. Shoji, A. Optitz, U. Scherf, E. J. W. List-Kratochvil, T. Fukushima, N. Koch:
An organic borate salt with superior p-doping capability for organic semiconductors
Adv. Sci., 2001322 (2020).
J. Schedlbauer, U. Scherf, J. Vogelsang, J. M. Lupton:
Dynamic quenching of triplet exctions in single conjugated-polymer chains
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 11, 5192 (2020).
J. Pina, A. C. B. Rodrigues, M. Alnady, WY. Dong, U. Scherf, J. S. S. de Melo:
Restricted aggregate formation on tetraphenylene-substituted polythiophenes
J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 13956 (2020).
A. Pipertzis, G. Papamokos, M. Mühlinghaus, M. Mezger, U. Scherf, G. Floudas:
What determines the glass temperature and dc-conductivity in imidazolium-polymerized ionic liquids with a polythiophene backbones
Macromolecules, 53, 3535 (2020).
E. Khodabakhshi, C. Ramanan, J J. Michels, S. Bonus, D. Hertal, K. Meerholz, M. Forster, U. Scherf, P. W. M. Blom:
Trap-assisted triplet emission in ladder-polymer-based light-emitting diodes
Adv. Electron. Mater., 2000082 (2020).
A. C. B. Rodrigues, I. S. Geisler, P. Klein, J. Pina, F. J. H. Neuhaus, E. Dreher, C. W. Lehmann, U. Scherf, J. S. S. de Melo:
Designing highly fluorescent, arylated poly(phenylene vinylen)s of intrinsic microporosity
J. Mater. Chem. C, 8, 2248 (2020).
K. Yuan, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, LB. Li, L. Shuai, YZ. Li, R. Cao, M. Qiu, XD. Zhuang, M. K. H. Leung, YW. Chen, U. Scherf:
Boosting oxygen reduction of single iron active sites via geometric and electronic engineering: Nitrogen and phosphorous dual coordination
J. Amer. Chem Soc., 142, 2404 (2020).
J. Schedlbauer, P. Wilhelm, L. Grabenhorst, M. E. Federl, B. Lalkens, F. Hinderer, U. Scherf, S. Höger, P. Tinnefeld, S. Bange, J. Vogelsang, J. M. Lupton:
Ultrafast single-molecule fluorescence measured by femtosecond double-pulse excitation photon antibunching
Nano Lett., 20, 1074 (2020).
L. A. Lozano-Hernandez, J. L. Maldonado, O. Hernandez-Cruz, J. Nicasio-Collazo, M. Rodriguez, O. Barbosa-Garcia, G. Ramos-Ortiz, M. G. Zolotukhin, U. Scherf:
Structurally simple OLEDs based on a new fluorinated poly(oxindolylidenearylene)
Dyes and Pigments, 173, 107989 (2020).
M. Meudt, C. Bogiadzi, K. Wrobel, P. Görrn:
Hybride photonic-plasmonic bound states in continuum for enhanced light manipulation
Adv. Opt. Mater., 2000898 (2020).
K. Zimmer, J. Zajadadz, P. Lorenz, A. Mayer, M. Papenheim, H.-C. Scheer:
Shear force measurement of actuated, gecko-inspired adhesion elements with hierarchical polydimethylsiloxane pattern
J. Micromech. Microeng., 30, 025008 (2020).
C. Tückmantel, U. Kalita, T. Häger, M. Theisen, U. Pfeiffer, T. Riedl:
Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide TFTs patterned by self-aligned photolithography overcoming the GHz theshold
IEEE Electron Device Letters, 41, 1786 (2020).
R. Jain, P. HIllger, E. Ashna, J. Grzyb, U. R. Pfeiffer:
A 64-pixel 0.42 THz source SoC with spatial modulation diversity for computational imaging
IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits, 55, 3281 (2020).
S. Makhlouf, M. Steeg, T. Haddad, J. TEbart, S. Dülme, M. Grzeslo, P. Lu, J. L. F. Estevez, S. Malz, , U. R. Pfeiffer, A. Stöhr:
Novel 3-D multilayer terahertz packaging technology for integrating photodiodes arrays and rectangular waveguide-power combiners
IEEE ransactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 68, 4611 (2020).
P. Rodriguez-Vazquez, J. Grzyb, B. Heinemann, U. R. Pfeiffer:
A QPSK 110-Gb/s polarization-diversity MIMO wireless link a 220-255 GHz tunable LO in a SiGe HBT technology
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 68, 3783 (2020).
D. Headland, R. Zatta, P. Hilger, U. R. Pfeiffer:
Terahertz spectroscope using CMOS camera and dispersive optics
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 68, 3783 (2020).
P. Hilger, M. van Delden, U.S. M. Thanthrige, A. M. Ahmed, J. Wittemeier, K. Arzi, M. Andree, B. Sievert, W. Prost, A. Rennings, D. Erni, T. Musch, N. Weimann, A. Szegin, N. Pohl, U. R. Pfeiffer:
Towards mobile integrated electronic systems at THz frequencies
Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (2020).
T. Bücher, S. Malz, K. Aufinger, U. R. Pfeiffer:
A 210-291-GHz (8x) frequency multiplier chain with low power consumption in 0.13-mu m SiGe
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 30, 512 (2020).
L. Banszerus, T. Fabian, S. Möller, E. Icking, H. Heiming, S. Trellenkamp, F. Lentz, D. Neumaier, M. Otto, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, F. Libisch, C. Volk, C. Stampfler:
Electrostatic detection of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation in bilayer graphene by coulomb resonances in gate-defined quanttum dots
Physica Status Solidi B, 25, 2000333 (2020).
D. De Fazio, B. Uzlu, I. Torre, C. Monastero-Balcells, S. Gupta, T. Khodkov, Y. bi, ZX. Wang, M. Otto, M. C. Lemme, S. Goossens, D. Neumaier, F. H. L. Koopens:
Graphene-quantum dot hybrid photodetectors with low dark-current readout
ACS Nano, 14, 11897 (2020).
D. K. Polyushkin, S. Wachter, L. Mennel, M. Paur, M. Pally, G. Innaccone, G. Fiori, D. Neumaier, B. Canto, T. Müller::
Analogue two-dimensional semiconductor devices
Nature Electronics, 3, 486 (2020).
D. S. Schneider, A. Grundmann, A, Bablich, V. Passi, S. Kataria, H. Kalisch, M. Heuken, A. Vescan, D. Neumaier, M. C. Lemme:
Highly responsive flexible photodetectors based on MOVPE grown uniform few-layer MoS2
ACS Photonics, 7, 1388 (2020).
V. Porshyn, P. Rothweiler, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht:
Laser-processing of grinded and mechanically abraded Nb-surfaces
J. Laser Appl., 32, 042009 (2020).
D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, D. Hamulic, R. Wagner, I. Misolev:
EXAFS investstigations of cobalt electrodisposition
Rad. Phys. Chem., 175, 108113 (2020).
P. Serbun, V. Porshyn, G. Müller, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht:
Advanced field emission measurement techniques for research on modern cold cathode materials and their application for transmission-type x-ray sources
Review Sci. Instruments, 91, 083906 (2020).
P. Serbun, V. Porshyn, D. Bandurin, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht:
Field emission and electron energy distributions from point-type triangular-shaped emitters made of thin graphene films
J. Appl. Phys., 127, 18 (2020).
N. Wurzler, J. D. Schutter, R. Wagner, M. Dimper, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, O. Ozcan:
Trained to corrode: Cultivation in the presence of Fe(III) increases the electrochemicall acitivity of iron reducing bacteria - An in situ electrochemical XANES study
Electrochem. Commun., 112, 106673 (2020).
K. Yuan, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, LB. Li, L. Shuai, YZ. Li, R. Cao, M. Qiu, XD. Zhuang, M. K. H. Leung, YW. Chen, U. Scherf:
Boosting oxygen reduction of single iron active sites via geometric and electronic engineering: Nitrogen and phosphorous dual coordination
J. Amer. Chem Soc., 142, 2404 (2020).
A. R. Manson, S. M. Thorbe, M. C. Stennett, L. J. Gardner, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, N. C. Hyatt:
Prelimenary inverstigation of chlorine specification in zirconolite glass-ceramics for plutonium residues by analysis of Cl K-egde XANES
MRS Adv., 5, 37 (2020).
A. H. Clark, P. Steiger, B. Bornmann, S. Hitz, R. Frahm, D. Ferri, M. Nachtegaal:
Fluorescence-detected quick-scanning X-ray absorption spectroscopy
J. Synchroton Rad., 27, 681 (2020).
A. H. Clark, J. Imbao, R. Frahm, M. Nachtegaal:
ProQEXAFS: ahighly optimized parallelized rapid processing software for QEXAFS data
J. Synchroton Rad., 27, 551 (2020).
M. Viktorova, R. Hentschke, F. Fleck, C. Prange, H. A. Karimi-Varzaneh:
Mesocopic model for the simulation of dynamic mechanical properties of filled elastomers: Model construction and parameterization
ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., 2, 5521 (2020).
B. Alheit, S. Bargmann, B. D. Reddy:
Computationally modelling the mechanical behaviour of turtle shell sutures - A natural interlocking structure
J. Mechanical Behavoiur of Biomedical Materials, 110, 103973 (2020).
E. Griffiths, C. Soyarslan, S. Bargmann, B. D. Reddy:
Insights into fracture mechanims in nanoporous gold and polymer impregnated nanoporous gold
Exterme Mechanics Letters, 39, 100815 (2020).
B. G. Cakan, P. Hahner, C. Soyarslan, S. Bargmann:
An enhanced method to evaluate tensile yield stress by small punch test using deflection curves
Materials, 13, 2840 (2020).
J. Wilmers, S. Bargmann:
Nature´s design solutions in dental enamel: Uniting high strength and extreme damage resistance
Acto Biomater., 107, 1 (2020).
E. Griffiths, J. Wilmers, S. Bargmann, B. D. Reddy:
Nanoporous metal based composies: Giving polymers strength and making metals move
Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 137, 103848 (2020).
X. L. Peng, C. Soyarslan, S. Bargmann:
Phase contrast mediated switch of auxetic mechanism in coomposites of infilled re-entrant honeycomb microstructures
Extreme Mechanics Letters, 35, 100641 (2020).
D. Zeller, C. Bohrmann-Linde:
Alternative Solarzellen mit TItandioxid - Ein Mentoring Projekt
MNU-Journal, 73, 108 (2020).
R. Brunnert, M. W. Tausch, C. Bohrmann-Linde:
Paving the way for curriculum innovation through participatory action research in bilingual chemistry and bilingual biology lessons an german scecondary schools: Results from a survey amoug teachers concerning their materials demands
ARISE, 1, 17 (2020).
R. Granderath, C. Bohrmann-Linde:
Fuel cells in the chemistry classroom - A breif survey amoung German chemistry teachers
ARISE, 3, 13 (2020).
C. Bohrmann-Linde, D. Zeller, S. Kläger:
Digital learning tools for teaching "alternative colar cells with Titanium dioxide (ALSO-TiO2)
World Journal of Chem Education, 8, 29 (2020).
R. Grandrath, C.Bohrmann-Linde:
BNE-Strukturen gemeinsam gestalten. Fachdidaktische Perspektiven und Forschungen zu Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Lehrkräftebildung
in Andreas Keil, Miriam Kuckuck und Mira Faß (Hg.), Editor, Band 13 aus Erziehungswissenschaft und Weltgesellschaft
Kapitel Chemiedidaktik als BNE-Multiplikator - Arbeitskreispraktika zur Erprobung von Schulversuchen und deren Reflexion hinsichtlich des BNE-Bezug., Seite 83--94.
Waxman, Münster 2020, ISBN: 978-3-8309-4158-3
R. Brunnert, M. W. Tausch, C. Bohrmann-Linde:Paving the way for curriculum innovation through participatory action research in bilingual chemistry and bilingual biology lessons an german scecondary schools: Results from a survey amoug teachers concerning their materials demandsARISE, 1, 17 (2020).
N. Meuter, S. Spinnen, Y. Yurdanur, M. W. Tausch:
Spiropyran - ein didktisches Multitalent - Experimentelle Erschließung chemischer Basiskonzepte mit dem molekualeren Schalter Spiropyran/Merocyanin
CHEMKON, 2 (2020).
N. Meuter, S. Spinnen, M. W. Tausch:
Two versatile experiments for teaching photochemistry: Photon upconversion by TTA and all optical INHIBIT logical gate
EPA Newsletter, 97 9 (2020).
M. W. Tausch:
Chemie mit Licht - Innovative Didaktik für Studium und Lehre
Spinger Verlag, Heidelberg, 2020. ISBN: 978-3-662-60376-5
M. W. Tausch:
Videoclip oder Realexperiment?
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 68, 18 (2020).