Förderung für Forschungskooperation zwischen Bergischer Universität und AIMS South Africa
Förderung für Forschungskooperation zwischen Bergischer Universität und AIMS South Africa
T. Hasselmann, B. Misimi, N, Boysen, D. Zanders, J.-L. Wree, D. Rogalla, T. Häger, F. Zimmermann, K. O. Brinkmann, S. Schadler, D. Theirich, R. Heiderhoff, A. Devi, T. Riedl:
Silver thin-film electrodes grown by low-temperature plasma-enhanced spatial atomic layer deposition at atmospheric pressure
Adv. Mater. Technol., 202200796 (2022).
L. Gomell, T. Häger, M. Roscher, H, Bishara, R. Heiderhoff, T. Riedl, C. Scheu, B Gault:
Microstructure manipulation by laser-surface remelting of a full-Heusler compound to enhance thermoelectric properties
Acta Materialia, 223, 117501 (2022).
A. Meyer, T. Häger, M. Runkel, J. Staabs, J. Rond, F. V. Hassend, P. Görrn, T. Riedl, H.-C. Scheer:
Direct patterning of methylammonium lead bromide perovskites by thermal imprint
Applied Physics A, 128, 399 (2022).
K. O. Brinkmann, T. Becker, F. Zimmermann, C. Kreusel T. Gahlmann, M. Theisen, T. Häger, S. Olthof, C. Tuckmantel, M. Günster, T. Maschwitz, F. Gobelsmann, C. Koch, D. Hertel, P. Caprioglio, F. Pena-Carmago, L. Perdigon-Toro, A. Al-Ashouri, L. Merten, A. Hinderhofer, L. Gomell, S. Zhang, F. Schreiber, S. Albrecht, K. Meerholz, D. Neher, M. Stolterfoht, T. Riedl:
Perovskite-organic tandem solarcells with indium oxide interconnect
Nature, 604, 280 (2022).
S. Bölke, D. Batchelor, A. Früh, B. Lassalle-Kaiser, T. Keller, F. Trilling, M. Forster, U. Scherf, T. Chassé:
Influence of the side chain structure on the electronic structure and self-organization properties of low band gap polymers
ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 5, 15290 (2022).
K. Müllen, U. Scherf:
Conjugated polymers: Where we come from, where we stand, and where we might go
Macromol. Chem. Phys., 223, 2200337 (2022).
T. Costa, M. Knaapila, B. Stewart, M. L. Ramos, L. L. G. Justino, A. J. M. Valente, R. Dalgliessh, S. E. Rogers, M. Kraft, S. Allard, U. Scherf, H. D. Burrows:
Nanostructuring with surfactants: The self-assembly of a new poly(thiophene-phenylene) conjugated polymer bearing azacrown ether pendant group
Langmuir, 38, 11845 (2022).
E. Harth, U. Scherf:
Klaus Müllen: Honoring the pioneer in nanographene chemistry
J. Polymer Sci., 60, 1795 (2022).
D. Heimfarth, M. B. Leinen, P. Klein, S. Allard, U. Scherf, E. J. Zaumseil:
Enhancing electrochemical transistors based on polymer-wrapprd (6,5) carbon nanotubesnetwotks with ethylen glycol side chanis
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 14, 8209 (2022).
J. Schedlbauer, S. Streicher, M. Forster, U. Scherf, J. Vogelsang, J. M. Lupton:
Tracking exciton diffuion ans exciton annihilation in single nanoparticles of conjugated polymers by photon correlation
Adv. Optical Mater., 10, 2200092 (2022).
F. J. Kahle, A. Rudnik, S. Wedler, R. Saxena, R. Ammenhäuser, U. Scherf, S. Bagnich, H. Bässler, A. Köhler:
Static and dynamic disorder of charge transfer states probed by optical spectroscopy
Adv. Energy Mater., 12, 12103063 (2022).
F. Garisch, G. Ligorio, P. Klein, M. Forster, U. Scherf, E. J. W. List-Kratochvil:
Organic synaptic diodes based on polymeric mixed ionic-electronic conductors
Adv. Electron. Mater., 2100866 (2021).
S. H. Oh, J. K. Kim, Y. Liu, M. Wurmshuber, XL. Peng, J. SEo, J. Jeong, Z. Wang, J. Wilmers, C. Soyarslan, J. Kim, B. Kittiwirayanon, J. Jeong, HJ. Kim, Y. H. Huh, D. Kiener, S. Bargmann, H. Gao:
Limpet teeth microstructure unites auxeticity with extreme strength and high stiffness
Sci Advences, 8, eadd4644 (2022).
X. L. Peng, S. Lee, J. Wilmers, S. H. Oh, S. Bargmann:
Orientation-dependent micromechanical behavior of nacre: In situ TEM experiments and finite element simulations
Acta Biomineralia, 147, 120 (2022).
J. Lamsfuss, S. Bargmann:
Computional modeling of damage in the hierarchical microstructure of skeletal muscles
Acta Biomineralia, 147, 120 (2022).
B. Alheit, S. Bargmann, B.D. Reddy:
How suture networks improve the protective function of natural structures: A multiscale investigation
Acta Biomineralia, 145, 283 (2022).
P. Kowol, S. Bargmann, P. Görrn, J. Wilmers:
Strain relief by controlled cracking in highly stretchable multi-layer composites
Extreme Mechanics Letters, 54, 101724 (2022).
XL. Peng, S. Bargmann:
A design method for metamaterials: 3D transversely isotropic lattice structures with tunable auxeticity
Smart Materials and Stuctures, 31, 025011 (2021).
R. Grandrath, C. Bohrmann-Linde:
Biological fuel cells with drugstore products
World Journal of Chemical Education, 10, 149 (2022).
R. Krämer, C. Bohrmann-Linde, M. W. Tausch:
Künstliche Photosynthese im Focus - Photokatalytische Wassererzeugung in Eintopfzelle
CHEMKON, 29, 646 (2022).
R. Grandrath, C. Bohrmann-Linde, Y, Gökkus, L. Humbert, E. Kiesling, R. Losch, D. Schmitz, D. Zeller:
Strom Analyse, Struktur, und Duarstellung chemiedatischer Elemente aus informatischer Perspektive - Entwicklung eines interdiziplinären Lehrkonzeptes
MNU-Journal 423 (2022).
R. Krämer, C. Bohrmann-Linde, M. W. Tausch:
Künstliche Photosynthese im Focus - Photokatalytische Wassererzeugung in Eintopfzelle
CHEMKON, 29, 646 (2022).
C. Bohrmann-Linde, I. Siehr:
CHEMIE Einführungsphase Nordrhein-Westfalen
C.C. Buchner Verlag, Bamberg, ISBN 9783661060019 (2022).
R. Grandrath, C. Bohrmann-Linde:
Strom aus Bäckerhefe
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 70, 18 (2022).
R. Grandrath, C. Bohrmann-Linde:
Entwicklung eines lowcost Experiments für den Chemieunterricht am Beispiel der enzymatischen Brennstoffzelle mit Lactase
CHEMKON, 29, 233 (2022).
D. Zeller, N. Meuter, C. Bohrmann- Linde, Y. Gökkus, M. W. Tausch:
Teaching Photochemistry: Experimental approches and digital media
ChemPhotoChem, 29, 117 (2022).
D. Zeller, C. Bohrmann- Linde:
#debunk YouTube-Videos - Ein didaktisches Konzept zum Einsatz von Videos im Chemieunterricht zur Stärkung der Digital Scientific Literacy
MMU Journal, 75, 197 (2022).
S. Cornelius, C. Bohrmann- Linde:
Digitalisierung: Mit einem E-Book in die organische Chemie starten
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 70, 34 (2022).
YX. Jia, G. Dellaitre, M. Tsotsalas:
Covalent adaptable networks based on dynamic alkoxyamine bonds
Macromol. Mater. Eng., 2200178 (2022).
D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, J. Stötzel, J. Justus, O. Müller, B. Bormann, R. Frahm:
Time-resolved grazing incidence X-ray absorption spectroscopy for the in situ investigation of the initial stages of sputter-deposited copper thin films
Physica Status Solidi A 219, 2100514 (2022).
S. K. Rittinghaus,, E.A. Jagle, B. Gökce:
New frontiers in Materials design for laser additive manufactoring
Materials, 15, 6172 (2022).
E. Sachse, M. Escobar-Castillo, F. Waag, B. Gökce, S. Salomon, J. Landers, H. Wende, D. C. Lupascu:
Laser ablation of NiFe2O4 and CoFe2O4
Nanomaterials, 12, 1872 (2022).
F. Waag, W. I. M. A. Fares, Y. Li, C. Andronescu, B. Gökce, S. Barcikowi:
Indentification of the main mixing process, inn the syntheisi of alloy nanoparcicles by laser, ablation of compacted micropowder mixtures
J. Mater. Sci., 57, 3041 (2022).
M. B. Wilms, N. Pirch, B. Gökce:
Manufacturing oxide-dispersion-strengthened steels using the advanced directed energy deposition process of high-speed laser cladding
Progress in Additive Manufacturing (2022).
S. Dittrich, M. Spellauge, S. Barcikowski, B. Gökce:
Time resolved studies reveal the origin of the unparalleled high efficiency of one nanosecond laser ablation in liquids
Opto-Electronic Adv., 5, 210053 (2022).
M. Spellauge, C. Donate-Buendia, S. Barcikowski, B. Gökce, H. P. Huber:
Comparison of ultrashort pulse ablation of gold in air and water by time-resolved experiments
Light: Science & Applications, 11, 68 (2022).
F. Waag, W. I. M. A. Fares, Y. Li, C. Andronescu, B. Gökce:
Identification of the main mixing process in the synthesis of alloy nanoparticles by laser ablation of compacted micropowder mixtures
J. Mater Sci., 57, 3041 (2022).
P. Kowol, S. Bargmann, P. Görrn, J. Wilmers:
Strain relief by controlled cracking in highly stretchable multi-layer composites
Extreme Mechanics Letters, 54, 101724 (2022).
I. Shutsko, M. Buchmüller, M. Meudt, P. Görrn:
Light-controlled fabrication of disordered hyperfunction metasurfaces
Adv. Mater. Technol., 2200086 (2022).
A. Meyer, T. Häger, M. Runkel, J. Staabs, J. Rond, F. V. Hassend, P. Görrn, T. Riedl, H.-C. Scheer:
Direct patterning of methylammonium lead bromide perovskites by thermal imprint
Applied Physics A, 128, 399 (2022).
I. Shusko, M. Buchmüller, M. Meudt, P. Görrn:
Plasmon-induced disorder engineering for robust optical sensors
Adv. Optical Mater., 2102783, (2022).
S. Hoffmann, R. Schlegel, C. Salarzar, S. Sykora, P. K. Nag, P. Khanenko, R. Beck, S. Aswartham, S. Wurmehl, B. Büchner, Y. Fasano, C. Hess:
Absence of hexagonal-to-square lattice transistion in LiFeAs
Phys. Rev. B, 106, 134507 (2022).
M. Wissmann, F. Cagliers, XC. Hong, S. Aswartham, A. Vorobyova, I. Morozov, B. Büchner, C. Hess:
Absence of nematic instability in LiFeAs
Phys. Rev. B, 106, 054508 (2022).
C. Wuttke, F. Caglieris, S. Sykora, F. Steckel, XC. Hong, S. Ran, S. Khim, R. Klappenberger, S. L. Bud´ko, P. C. Canfield, S. Wurmehl, S. Aswartham, B. Büchner, C. Hess:
Ubiquitous enhancement of nematic fluctuations across the phase diagram of iron based superconductors proped by the Nernst effect
NPJ Quantum Materials, 7, 82 (2022).
A. U. B. Wolter, C. Hess:
Spin liquid evidence at the edge and in bulk
Nature Physics (2022).
PY. Ying, L. Wilkens, H. Reith, N. P. Rodriguez, XC. Hong, QQ. Lu, C. Hess, R. He:
A robust thermoelectronic module based on MgAgSb/Mg-3(Sb,Bi)82) with a conversion efficiency of 8,5% and a maximum cooling of 72 K
Energy & Environmental Science (2022).
R. Hentschke:
Tensible strength of rubber describeld via the formation and ruptureof load-bearing polymer chains
Phys. Rev. E, 106, 014505 (2022).
M. Viktorova, R. Hentschke, F. Fleck, F. Taherian, H. A. Karimi-Varzaneh:
A mesocopic model for the simulation of dynamic mechnical properties of filled elastomers: Filled binary polymer blends
Computational Materials Science, 212, 111597 (2022).
J .Plagge, R. Hentschke:
Numerical solution of the adhesive rubber-solid contact problem and friction coefficients using a scale-splitting approach
Tribology International, 173, 107622 (2022).
D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, J. Stötzel, J. Justus, O. Müller, B. Bormann, R. Frahm:
Time-resolved grazing incidence X-ray absorption spectroscopy for the in situ investigation of the initial stages of sputter-deposited copper thin films
Physica Status Solidi A 219, 2100514 (2022).
V. I. Kleshch, V. Porshyn, P. Serbun, A. S. Orekhov, R. R. Ismaglikov, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, A. N. Obratsov:
Surface graphitization of diamond nanotips induced by field-emmission
Appl. Phys. Lett., 120, 141601 (2022).
YG. Wu, XN. Tang, FJ: Zhang, LB: li, WJ. Zhai, BY. Huang, T. Hu, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, K. Yuan, YW. Chen:
Manipulating the electronical configuration of Fe-N-4 sites by an electron-withdrawing/donating strategy with improved oxygen electroreduction performance
Mater. Chem. Front., 6, 1209 (2022).
A. Saric, M. Vrancic, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, I. Despotovic, Z. Petrovic, G. Drazic, F. Eckelt:
Insight into the growth mechanism and photocatalytic behaviour of turbular hierarchical ZnO structures:An integarted experimental and theoretical approach
Inorg. Chem., 61, 2962 (2022).
M. Vrancic, A. Saric, T. Nakagawa, Y. Ding, I. Despotovic, L. Kaniza, H. Ishii, N. Hiraoka, G. Drazic, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, R. Peter, M. Petravic:
Pressure-induced and flaring photocatalytic diversity of ZnO particles
J. Alloys and Compunds, 894, 16244 (2022).
R. Kempt, S. Lukas, O. Hartwig, M. Prechtl, A. Kuc, T. Brumme, S. Li, D. Neumaier, M. C. Lemme, G. S. Düsberg, T. Heine:
Stacking polymorphism in PtSe2 drastically affects its electromechanical properties
Adv. Sci., 2201272 (2022).
T. Knobloch, B. Uzlu, Y. Y. Illarionov, ZX. Wang, M. Otto, L. Filipovic, M. Waltl, D. Neumaier, M. C. Lemme, T. Grasser:
Improving stability in two-dimensional transistors with amorphous gate oxides by Fermi-levl tuning
Nature Electonics, 5, 356 (2022).
A. Piacentini, D. Marian, D. S. Schneider, E. G. Marin, ZY. Wang, M. Otto, B. Canto, A. Radenovic, A. Kis G. Fiori, M. C. Lemme, D. Neumaier:
Stable Al2O3 encapsulation of MoS2-FETs enabled by CVD grown h-BN
Adv. Electron. Mater., 2200123 (2022).
M. Dianetti, G. Susanna, E. Calabro, G. Polino, M. Otto, D. Neumaier, A. Reale, F. Brunetti:
Graphene with Ni-grid as semitransparent electrode for bulk hetreojunction solar cells (BHJ-SCs)
Polymers, 14, 2073 (2022).
M. Saeed, P. Palacios, MD. Wei, E. Baskent, CY. Fan, B. Uzlu, KT. Wang, D. Neumaier, M. C. Lemme, R. Negra:
Graphene based microwave circuits: A review
Adv. Mater., 2108473 (2022).
E. Reato, P. Palacios, B. Uzlu, M. Saeed, A. Grundmann, ZY. Wang. D. S. Schneider, ZX. Wang, M. Heuken, H. Kalisch A Vescn, A. Radenovich, A. Kis, D. Neumaier, R. Negra, M. C. Lemme:
Zero-bias power-detector circuits based on MoS2 field-effect transistors on wafer-scale flexible bibstrates
Adv. Mater., 2108469 (2022).
S. K. Mohanan, H. Boukabache, D. Perrrin, U. Pfeiffer:
Towards the next generation of CERN radiation monitoring front end ASICs
J. Intrumentation, 17, C04029 (2022).
T. Bücher, J. Grzyb, P. Hilger, H. Rücker, B. Heinemsnn, U. R. Pfeiffer:
A broadband 300 GHz power amplifier in a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology for communication applications
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (2022).
M. Andree, J. Grzyb, R. Jain, B. Heinemann, U. R. Pfeiffer:
Broadband modeling, analysis, and characterization of SiGe HBT terahertz direct detectors
IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 70, 1314 (2022).
S. K. Mohanan, H. Boukabache, V. Cruchet, D. Perrin, S. Rösler, U. R. Pfeiffer:
An ultra low current measurement mixed-signal ASIC for radiation monitoring using ionisation chambers
IEEE Sensors Journal, 22, 2142 (2022).
A. Meyer, T. Häger, M. Runkel, J. Staabs, J. Rond, F. V. Hassend, P. Görrn, T. Riedl, H.-C. Scheer:
Direct patterning of methylammonium lead bromide perovskites by thermal imprint
Applied Physics A, 128, 399 (2022).
R. Krämer, C. Bohrmann-Linde, M. W. Tausch:
Künstliche Photosynthese im Focus - Photokatalytische Wassererzeugung in Eintopfzelle
CHEMKON, 29, 646 (2022).
M. W. Tausch:
LED statt Gasbrenner
Chem Unserer Zeit, 56, 188 (2022).
Y. Gökkus, M. W. Tausch:
Explorative Studie zur partizipativen und nutzenorientierten Forschung in der Chemiedidatik
CHEMKON, 29, 117 (2022).
D. Zeller, N. Meuter, C. Bohrmann- Linde, Y. Gökkus, M. W. Tausch:
Teaching Photochemistry: Experimental approaches and digital media
ChemPhotoChem, 6, 1 (2022).