
Group Scherf

H. Zhang, H. Azimi, Y. Hou, T. Ameri, T. Przybilla, E. Spiecker, M. Kraft, U. Scherf, C. J. Brabec:
Improved high-efficiency perovskite planar heterojunction solar cells via incorporation of a polyelectrolyte interlayer
Chem. Mater., 26, 5190 (2014).

V. Derenskyi, W. Gomulya, J. M. S. Rois, M. Fritsch, N. Fröhlich, S. Jung, S. Allard, S. Z. Bisri, P. Gordiichuk, A. Hermann, U. Scherf, M. A. Loi:
Carbon nanotube network ambipolar field-effect transistors with 10(8) on/off ratio
Adv. Mater., 26, 5969 (2014).

T. Ameri, P. Khoram, T. Heumüller, D. Baran, F. Machui, A. Tröger, V. Sgobba, D. M. Guldi, M. Halik, S. Rathgeber, U. Scherf, C. J. Brabec:
Morphology analysis of near IR sensitized polymer/fullerene organic solar cells by implementing low bandgap heteroanalogue C-/Si-PCPDTBT
J. Mater Chem. A, 2, 19461 (2014).

U. Aygul, H. Peisert, D. Batchelor, U. Dettinger, M. Ivanovic, A. Tournebize, S. Mangold, M. Forster, I. Dumsch, S. Kowalski, S. Allard, U. Scherf, T. Chasse:
Molecular orientation in polymer/fullerrene blend films and the influence of annealing
Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 128, 119 (2014).

S. K. Samanta, M. Fritsch, U. Scherf, W. Gomulya, S. Z. Bisri, M. A. Loi:
Conjugated polymer-assisted dispersion of single-wall carbon nanotubes: The power of polymer wrapping
Acc. Chem. Res., 47, 2446 (2014).

M. Kraft, S. Adamczyk, A. Polywka, K. Zilberberg, C. Weijtens, J. Meyer, P. Görrn, T. Riedl, U. Scherf:
Polyanionic, alkylthiosulfate-based, thiol precursors for conjugated polymer self-assembly onto gold and silver
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6, 11758 (2014).

S. Guha, M. Knaapila, D. Moghe, Z. Konopkova, M. Torkkeli, M. Fritsch, U. Scherf:
Persistence of nematic liquid crystalline phase in a polyfluorene-based organic semiconductor: A high pressure study
J. Polym. Sci. Part B, 52, 1014 (2014).

M. Knaapila, T. Costa, V. M. Garamus, M. Kraft, M. Drechsler, U. Scherf, H. D. Burrows:
Conjugated polyelectrolyte (CPE) poly{3-[6-(N-methylimidazolium)hexyl]-2,5-thiophene} complexed with DNA: Relation between colloidal level solution structure and chromic effects
Macromolecules, 47, 4017 (2014).

W. Y. Dong, T. Fei, A. Palma-Cando, U. Scherf:
Aggregation induced emission and amplified explosive detection of tetraphenylethylene-substituted polycarbazoles
Polymer Chem., 5, 4048 (2014).

A. K. Bansal, F. Antolini, M. T. Saijad, L. Stroea, R. Mazzaro, S. G. Ramkumar, K.-J. Kass, S. Allard, U. Scherf, I. D. W. Samuel:
Photophysical and structural characterisation of in situ formed quantum dots
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16, 9556 (2014).

S. Albrecht, J. R. Tumbleston, S. Janitz, I. Dumsch, S. Allard, U. Scherf, H. Ade, D. Neher:
Quantifying charge extraction in organic solar cells: The case of fluorinated PCPDTBT
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5, 1131 (2014).

J.D. Plumhof, T. Stoferle, L.J. Mai, U. Scherf, R.F. Mahrt:
Room-temperature Bose-Einstein condensation of cavity exciton-polaritons in a polymer
Nature Mater., 13, 248 (2014).

M. Knaapila, S.M. Fonseca, B. Stewart, M. Torkkeli, J. Perlich, S. Pradhan, U. Scherf, R.A.E. Castro, H.D. Burrows:
Nanostructuring of the conjugated polyelectrolyte poly[9,9-bis(4-sulfonylbutoxyphenyl)fluorene-2,7-2,2´-bithiophene] in liquid crystalline C12E4T in bulk water and aligned thin films
Soft Matter, 10, 3103 (2014).

M. L. Davies, P. Douglas, H. D. Burrows, B. Martincigh, M. D. Miguel, U. Scherf, R. Mallavia, A. Douglas:
In depth analysis of the quenching of three fluorene-phenylene-based cationic conjugated polyelectrolytes by DNA and DNA bases
J. Phys. Chem. B, 118, 460 (2014).

T. Costa, A. T. Marques, J. S. S. de Melo, A. W. Thomas, L. E. Garner, U. Scherf, G. C. Bazan, H. D. Burrows:
Self-assembly of poly{1,4-phenylen-[9,9-bis(4-phenoxy-butlysulfonate)]fluorene-2,7-diyl} with oppositely charged phenylenevinylene oligoelectrolyes
J. Phys. Chem. B, 118, 613(2014).

J. Bakalis, A.R. Cook, S. Asaoka, M. Forster, U. Scherf, J. R. Miller:
Polarons compressed polarons, and bipolarons in conjugated polymers
J. Phys. Chem. C, 118, 114 (2014).


Group Tausch

M. W. Tausch:
Struktur-Eigenschaften - ein Basiskonzept für den Chemieunterricht
Praxis der Naturwissenschften - Chemie in der Schule, 63, 4 (2014).

M. W. Tausch, R. Roggendorf
Ein Krimi im Chemieunterricht - Flammenfärbung als Beweismittel
Praxis der Naturwissenschften - Chemie in der Schule, 63, 13 (2014).

M. W. Tausch, S. Spinnen, M. Essers, S. Krees:
Die Umgebung macht´s - Lichabsortion und -emission in Lösung und im Feststoffmatrix
Praxis der Naturwissenschften - Chemie in der Schule, 63, 36 (2014).

M. W. Tausch:
Erfolg für Oberstufenschüler
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 62, 203 (2014).

M. W. Tausch, A. Flint:
Experimentell konzeptionelle Forschung in der Chemiedidatik
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 62, 359 (2014).


Group Riedl

M. Kraft, S. Adamczyk, A. Polywka, K. Zilberberg, C. Weijtens, J. Meyer, P. Görrn, T. Riedl, U. Scherf:
Polyanionic, alkylthiosulfate-based, thiol precursors for conjugated polymer self-assembly onto gold and silver
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6, 11758 (2014).

M. Fakhri, M. Theisen, A. Behendt, P. Görrn, T. Riedl:
Top-gate zinc tin oxide thin-film transistors with high bias and environmental stress stability
Appl. Phys. Lett., 104, 251603 (2014).

K. Zilberberg, F. Gasse, R. Pagui, A. Polywka ,A. Behrendt, S. Trost, R. Heiderhoff, R. Görrn, T. Riedl:
Highly rubust indium-free transparent conductive electrodes based on composites of silver nanowires and conductive metal oxides
Adv. Funct. Mater., 24, 1671 (2014).

A. Polywka, A. Vereshchaeva, T. Riedl. P. Görrn:
Manipulating the morphology of silver nanoparticles with local plasmon-mediated control
Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 31, 342 (2014).

A. Raupke, F. Albrecht, J. Maibach, A. Behrendt, A. Polywka, R. Heiderhoff, J. Helzel, T. Rabe, H.-H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, E. Mankel, T. Mayer, P. Görrn, T. Riedl:
Conformal and highly luminescent, monolayers of Alq3 prepared by gas-phase molecular layer deposition
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6, 1193 (2014).


Group Görrn

M. Kraft, S. Adamczyk, A. Polywka, K. Zilberberg, C. Weijtens, J. Meyer, P. Görrn, T. Riedl, U. Scherf:
Polyanionic, alkylthiosulfate-based, thiol precursors for conjugated polymer self-assembly onto gold and silver
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6, 11758 (2014).

M. Fakhri, M. Theisen, A. Behendt, P. Görrn, T. Riedl:
Top-gate zinc tin oxide thin-film transistors with high bias and environmental stress stability
Appl. Phys. Lett,. 104, 251603 (2014).

K. Zilberberg, F. Gasse, R. Pagui, A. Polywka ,A. Behrendt, S. Trost, R. Heiderhoff, R. Görrn, T. Riedl:
Highly rubust indium-free transparent conductive electrodes based on composites of silver nanowires and conductive metal oxides
Adv. Funct. Mater., 24, 1671 (2014).

A. Polywka, A. Vereshchaeva, T. Riedl. P. Görrn:
Manipulating the morphology of silver nanoparticles with local plasmon-mediated control
Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 31, 342 (2014).

A. Raupke, F. Albrecht, J. Maibach, A. Behrendt, A. Polywka, R. Heiderhoff, J. Helzel, T. Rabe, H.H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, E. Mankel, T. Mayer, P. Görrn, T. Riedl:
Conformal and highly luminescent, monolayers of Alq3 prepared by gas-phase molecular layer deposition
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6, 1193 (2014).


Group Scheer

H.-C. Scheer, A. Mayer, K. Dhima, S. Wang, C. Steinberg:
Challenges with high aspect ratio nanoimprint
Microsystem Techn., 20, 1891 (2014).

C. Steinberg, K. Dhima, D. Blenskens, A. Meyer, S. Wang, M. Papenheim, H.-C. Scheer, J. Zajadacz, K. Zimmer:
A scalable anti-sticking layer process via controlled evaporation
Microelectron. Eng., 123, 4 (2014).

K. Dhima, C. Steinberg, A. Meyer, S. Wang, M. Papenheim, H.-C. Scheer:
Competitiveness of negative tone resists for nanoimprint lithography
Microelectron. Eng., 123, 43 (2014).

K. Dhima, C. Steinberg, A. Meyer, S. Wang, M. Papenheim, H.-C. Scheer:
Residual layer lithography
Microelectron. Eng., 123, 84 (2014).

A. Mayer, M. Papenheim, K. Dhima, S. Wang, C. Steinberg, H.-C. Scheer:
Stamp design towards instability-induced 3D patterning
Microelectron. Eng.,123, 100 (2014).

H. Noma, S. Wang, K. Uemura, K. Shimomukai, M. Yasuda, H. Kawatta, H.-C. Scheer, Y. Hirai:
Fabrication of second generation replica mold by hybrid polymer material ormostamp (TM)
J. Photopolymer Sci. Tech., 27, 95 (2014).


Group Hentschke

H. Xi, R. Hentschke:
The influence of structure on mechanical properties of filler networks via coarse-grained modeling
Macromol. Theory Simul., 23, 373 (2014).

R. Hentschke, J. Hager, N.W. Hojdis:
Molecular modeling approach to the prediction of mechnical properties of silica-reinforced rubbers
J. Appl. Phys. Sci., 131, 40806 (2014).


Group Frahm

D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, D. Wulff, R. Wagner, R. Frahm, U, Holländer, H. J. Maier:
Thermal anti-oxidation treatment, of CrNi-steels, as sudies by EXAFS in reflection mode: The influence of monosilane additions in the gas atmosphere of a continuous annealing furnace
J. Mater. Sci., 49, 5454 (2014).

D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, R. Wagner, S. Szillat, A. K. Huesecken, K. Istomin, U. Pietsch, R. Frahm:
The multi-purpose hard X-ray beamline BL10 at the DELTA storage ring
J. Synchrotron Radiat., 21, 819 (2014).

D. E. Dorokon, M. Casapu, T. Günter, O. Müller, R. Frahm, J. D. Grunwaldt:
Operando spatially- and time-resolved XAS study on zeolite catalysts for selcttive catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3
J. Phys. Chem. C, 118, 10204 (2014).