
Group Riedl

U. Kalita, C. Tückmantel, T. Riedl, U. R. Pfeiffer:
A multi-finger GHz frequency doubler based on amourphuos indium gallium zinc oxide thin film transistors
IEEE ACCESS, 11, 70668 (2023).

C. O. Ogolla, Y. Loth, T. Häger, C. Kreusel, M. Runkel, T. Riedl, B. Butz, A. K. Wigger, S. Schäffer, P. H. Bolivar:
Imaging the terahertz nanoscale conductivity of polycrystalline CsPbBr3 perovskite thin films
Nano Lett., 23, 2074 (2023).

J. Thiesbrummel, F. Pena-Camargo, K. O. Brinkmann, E. Guitierrez-Partida, F. J. Yang, J. Warby, S. Albrecht, D. Neher, T. Riedl, H. J. Snaith, F. Lang:
Understanding and minimizing V-OC losses in all perovskites tandem photovoltaics
Adv. Energy Mater., 13, 202202674 (2023).

Group Scherf

S. Bölke, A. Früh, F. Trillling M. Forster, U. Scherf, T. Chassé, H. Peistert:
Influence of the backbone ladderization and side chain variation on the orientation of diketopyrrolopyrolle-based donor-acceptor copolymers
Molecules, 28, 6435 (2023).

A. D. Putintsev, K. E. Mcghee, D. Sannikov, A.V. Zasedatelev, J. D. Töpfer, T. Jessewitsch, U. Scherf, D. G. Lidzey, P. G. Lagoudakis:
Controlling the spatial profile and energy landscape of organic polariton condensates in double-dye cavities
Phys. Rev. Lett., 131, 186902 (2023).

R. Ammenhäuser, J. M. Lupton, U. Scherf:
Chain-length dependence of the optical activity of helical tryptycene based pi-conjugatde ladder polymers
Adv. Optical Mater., 202301857 (2023).

A. E. Mansour, R. Warren, D. Lungwitz, M. Forster, U. Scherf, A. Opitz, M.  Malischewski, N. Koch:
Coordination of tetracyanoquinodimethane-derivatives with tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane provides stronger p-dopants with enhanced stability
Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 15, 46148 (2023).

S. Bölke, T. Keller, F. Trilling, M. Forster, U. Scherf, T. Chassé, H. Peisert:
The influence of the side chain structure on the photostability of low band gap polymers
Molecules, 28, 3858 (2023).

K. E. McGhee, M. Guizzardi, R. Jayaprakash, K. Georgiou, T. Jessewitsch, U. Scherf, G. Cerullo, A. Zasedatelev, T. Virgili, P. G. Lagoudakis, D. G. Lidzey:
Ultrafast optical control of polariton energy in an organic semiconductor microcavity
Adv. Optical Mater., 202300262, (2023).

P. Claronino, R. Jayaorakash, T. Jessewitsch, R. C. Kilbride, T. Thornber, A. Muravitskaya, R. D. J. Oliver, U. Scherf, J. S. G. Bouillard, A. M. AdawiG. Lidzey:
Organic copolymer lasing from single defect microcavity fabricated using laser patterning
J. Mater. Chem. C, accepted (2023).

R. Ammenhäuser, P. Klein, E. Schmid, S. Steicher, J. Vogelsang, C. W. Lehmann, J. M. Lupton, S. C. J.  Meskers, U. Scherf:
Circularly polarized light process exited-state delocalization in rectangular ladder-type pentaphenyl helices
Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 62, e202211946 (2023).

I. Rendon-Enriquez, A. Palma-Cando, F. Körber, F. Niebisch, M. Forster, M. W. Tausch, U. Scherf:
Thin polymer films by oxidative or reductive electropolymerisation and theit applicatioon in electrochromic windows and thin-film sensors
Molecules, 28, 883 (2023).

Group Bahmann

S. Vuckovic, H. Bahmann:
Nonlocal functionals inspired by the strongly interacting limit of DFT
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 19, 6172 (2023).

A. Zivkovic, D. Gemeri, H. Bahmann, I. Lukacevic, H E. King:
Identifying surface phonons in the vibrational spectra of carbonated apatite using density functiona theory
Materials Today Communications, 36, 106596 (2023).

Group Bargmann

C. Leuther, J. Wilmers, S. Bargmann:
Generation of 3D representative volume elements (RVEs) of nacre
Software Impacts, 17, 100534 (2023).

J. Lamsfuss, S. Bargmann:
Mechanism of thermal treatments in trigger points of the skeletal muscle: Computational microstructural modeling
Europ. J. Mechanics A- Solids, 99, 104906 (2023).

P. Kowol, S. Bargmann, J. Wilmers:
Python code for modeling multi-layer sttructures with controlled cracking and delamination
Software Impacts, 17, 100546 (2023).

M. Wurmshuber, J. Wilmers, J. Kim, SH. Oh, S. Bargmann, D. Kiener:
Lower hardness than strength: The auxetic composites microstructure of limpet tooth
Acta Biomaterialia, 166, 447 (2023).


Group Bohrmann-Linde

E. Kiesling, R. Krämer, N. Vaz Pereira, J. Venzlaff, C. Bohrmann-Linde:
Wege aus der Kimakriese - ein BNE-Schülerlaborangebot mit mehrdimensionalen Zugang
MNU Journal, 76,  (06/2023).

J. Venzlaff, K. Kosumi, D. Zeller, C. Bohrmann-Linde:
Education for sustainable development and experiments involing titanium oxide
World Journal of Chemical Education, 11, 80 (2023).

J. Venzlaff, C. Bohrmann-Linde:
Photoreformierung - grüner Wasserstoff aus Alkohol, Zucker und Stärke
CHEMKON, 30, 254 (2023).

R. Grandrath, C. Bohrmann-Linde:
Dem Apfel ans Leder
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 71, 12 (2023).

R. Grandrath, C. Bohrmann-Linde:
Mit Lactase und Lactose zum elektrischem Strom - enzymatische Brennstoffzellen auf Filterpapierbasis für den Chemieunterricht
CHEMKON, 30, 37 (2023).

S. Cornelius, C. Bohrmann-Linde:
Kompetenzförderung durch Erklärvideos in einem Selbstlernbuch zum Einstieg in die Organische Chemie
MNU-Journal 01. 48 (2023).

Group Gökce

F. Riahi, C. Doneate-Buendia, S. Barcikowski B. Gökce:
How nanoparticle size and bubble merging is governed by short-range sptiallycontrolled double b-beam laser ablation in liquids
Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 23001452 (2023).

J. L. Kricke, I. Y. Khairiani, B. B. J. Beele, N. Shkodich, M. Farle, A. Slabon, C. Donate-Buendia., B. Gökce:
4D printing of magneto-responsive polymer structures by masked stereolithography for miniaturased acuators
Viratual And Physical Prototyping, 18, e2251017 (2023).

I. Y. Khairani, G. Minguez-Vega, C. Doneate-Buendiea, B. Gökce:
Green nanoparticle synthesis at scale: A perspective on overcoming the limits of pulsed laser ablation in liquids for high-throughput production
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 19380 (2023).

S.-K. Rittinghaus, H. Shokri, N. Shkodich, E. Bruder, M. Farle, B. Gökce:
Comparative insights into microstructure and magnetism of Ni-Mn-Sn Heusler alloys manufactured by electron beam and laser beam powder bed fusion
Additive Manufacturing Letters, 7, 100159 (2023).

S. Tahir, J. Landers, S. Salamon, D. Koch, C. Doneate-Buendiea, A. R. Ziefuss, H. Wende, B. Gökce:
Development of magnetocaloric microstructures from equiatomic iron-rhodium nanoparticles through laser sintering
Adv. Eng. Mater., 2300245 (2023).

M. B. Wilms, S.-K. Rittinghaus, M. Gossling, B. Gökce:
Additive manufacturing of oxide-dispersion strengthened alloys: Materials, synthesis and manufacturing
Progress Mater. Sci., 133, 101049 (2023).

C. Donate-Buendia, M. Spellauge, R. Streubel, F. Riahi, S. Barcikowski, H. P. Huber, B. Gökce:
Double-pulse laser ablation in liquids: nanoparticle bimodality
J. Physics D - Applied Physics, 56, 104001 (2023).

I. Y. Khairani, QY. Lin, J. Laners, S. Salomon, C. Donate-Buendia, E. Karapetrova, H. Wende, G. Zangari, B. Gökce:
Solvent influence on the magnetization and phase of Fe-Ni alloy nanparticles generated by laser ablation in liqiuds
Nanomaterials, 13, 227 (2023).

H. Zhang, DH. Dai, LX. Xi, B. Gökce, DD. Gu:
An opposite tendency of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., 145, 031001 (2023).

A. Bussmann, F. Riahi, B. Gökce, S. Adami, S. Barcikowski, N. A. Adams:
Investigation of cavitation bubble dynamics near a solid wall by high-resolution numerical simulation
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., 145, 031001 (2023).

Group Görrn

A. Henkel, S. O. Schumacher, M. Meudt, C. Knoth, M. Buchmüller, P. Görrn
High-contrast switching of light enabled by zero diffraction
Adv. Photonics Res., 2300230 (2023).

Group Hemker-Hess

M. Gillig, XC.Hong, C. Wellm, V. Katev, WL. Yao, Y. Li, B. Büchner, C. Hess:
Phononic-magnetic dichotomy of the thermal Hall effect in the Kitaev material Na2Co2TeO6
Phys. Rev. Research, 5, 043110 (2023).

M. Ceccardi, A. Zeugner, L. C. Folkers, C. Hess, B. Büchner, D. Marre, A. Isaeva, F. Caglieris:
Anomalous Nernst effect in the topological and magnetic material MnBi4Te7
NPJ Quantum Materials, 8, 76 (2023).

A. Veyrat, V. Labracherie, D. L. Bashlakov, F. Caglieris, J. I. Facio, G. Shipunov, T. Charvin, R. Acharya, Y. Naidyuk, R. Giraud, J. an den Brink, B. Büchner, C. Hess, S. Asawartham, J. Duflouleur:
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transistion in the type- I Weyl semimetal PtBi2
Nano Lett., 23, 1229 (2023).

Group Hentschke

M. Viktorova, R. Hentschke, F. Fleck, F. Taherian, H. A. Karimi-Varzaneh:
Simulation of elastomer nanocomposites: Interfacial stresses and strains related to filler dispersion, gobal deformation and the Payne effect
Computational Mater. Sci., 223, 112144 (2023).


Group Lützenkirchen-Hecht

L. Kubens, KN. Truong, C. W. Lehmann, D. Lützenkirchen-Hech, J. Bornhorst, F. Mohr:
The structure of maneb, an important manganese-containing bis(dithiocarbamate) fungicide
Chemisty - Eur. J.,  202301721 (2023).

P. Rothweiler, R. Wagner, R. R. Frahm, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht:
X- ray investigations of sol-gel derived GeO2 nanoparticles
Crystals, 13, 1219 (2023).

N. Schäfer, D. Günzing, T. Jiang, N. Karabas, A. Arzumanov, D. Motta-Meira, K. Ollefs, P. Komissinskiy, M. Mayor, M. Arnold, N. Pietralla, H. Wende, L. Molina-Luna,, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, L. Alff::
Role of kinetic energy on Nb3Sn thin films by low-temperature co-sputtering
J. Appl. Phys., 134, 043903 (2023).

LB. Li, XN. Tang, SH. Huang, CB. Lu, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, K. Yuan, XD. Zhuang, YW. Chen:
Longitudinally grafting of graphene with iron phthalocyanine-based porous organic polymer to boost oxygen electroreduction
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 62, e202301642 (2023).

B. Wu, JY. Xiao, LB. Li, T. Hu, M. Qiu, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, K. Yuan, YW. Chen:
Arranging electronic localization of PtCu nanoalloys to stimulate improved oxygen electroreduction for high-performance fuel cells
CCS Chemistry (2023).

Group Neumaier

J. Aziz, D. Neumaier, M. F. Kahn, M. Ahmad, H. Kim. S. Rehman, E. Elahi, V. D. Chavan, F. Ghafoor, K. D. Kadam, H. Patil, M. Ouladsmane: :
Improved memory performance of ALD grown HfO2 films by nitrogen doping
Materials Science and Engineering B, 297, 116755 (2023).

A. Piacentini, A. Daus, ZX. WAng, M. C. Lemme, D. Neumaier:
Potential of transistion matal dichalcogenide transistora for flexible electronoca applications
Adv. Electron. Mater., 202300181 (2023).

Group Pfeiffer

U. Kalita, C. Tückmantel, T. Riedl, U. R. Pfeiffer:
A multi-finger GHz frequency doubler based on amourphuos indium gallium zinc oxide thin film transistors
IEEE ACCESS, 11, 70668 (2023).

J. C. Balzer, C. J. Saraceno, M. Koch, U. R. Pfeiffer, W. Withayachumnankul, T. Kürner, A. Stöhr, M. El-Absi, A. AH. Abbas, T. Kaiser, A. Czywik:
THz systems exploiting photonics and communications technologies
IEEE Jouranal of Microwaves, 3, 268 (2023).

Group Slabon

J. L. Kricke, I. Y. Khairiani, B. B. J. Beele, N. Shkodich, M. Farle, A. Slabon, C. Donate-Buendia., B. Gökce:
4D printing of magneto-responsive polymer structures by masked stereolithography for miniaturased acuators
Viratual And Physical Prototyping, 18, e2251017 (2023).

B. V. M. Rodrigues, A. Bukowska, S. Opitz, M. Spiewak, S. Budny, P. Kustrowski, A. Rokicinska, A. Slabon, J. Piatek:
Selective electrochemical recoveries of Cu and Mn from end-of-life Li-ion batteries
Resources Conservation And Recycling, 197, 107115 (2023).

K. Kaya, A. Atsay, H. Gunduz, A. Slabon, Y. Yagci:
Nature-inspired depolymerization of soda lignin: Light-induced free radical promoted cleavlage of ß-O-4 bonds
Adv. Susainable Syst., 18, 2300366 (2023).

M. Wolfsgruber, P. Patil, C. M. Pichler, R. H. Bischof, S. Budnyk, C. Paulik, B. V. M. Rodrigues, A. Slabon:
Potential dependence of gluconic acid to glucose electroreduction on silver
Catal. Sci. Technol., 13, 5998 (2023).

K. Kaya, D. Ditz, A. Jaworski, JH. Chen, S. Monti, G. Barcaro, S. Budnyk, A. Slabon, R. Palkovits:
Enhanced solar CO2 photoreduction to formic acid by platinum immbilization on bipyridine covalent triazine framework with defects
Adv. Susainable Syst., 7, 2300071 (2023).

B, Das, E. A. Toledo-Carrillo, GQ. Li, J. Stähnle, T. Thersleff, JH. Chen, L. Li, F. Ye, A. Slabon, M. Göthelid, T.-C. Weng, J. A. Yuwono, P. V. Kumar, O. Verho, M. D. Kärkäs, J. Dutta, B. Akermark::
Bifunctional and regenerable moleculare electrodes for water electrolysis at neutral pH
J. Mater. Chem. A, 11, 13331 (2023).

L. Lindenbeck, B. B. Beele, M. Morsali, S. Budnyk, M. Frauscher,M. H. Sipponen, A. Slabon, B. V. M. Rodrigues:
MoS2 nanoflower-decorated lignin nanoparticles for superior lubricant properties
Nanoscale, 15, 9014 (2023).

M. G. A. da Cruz, J. N. Onwumere, JH. Chen, B. B. Beele, M. Yarema, S. Budnyk, A. Slabon, B. V. M. Rodriguez:
Solvent-free synthesis of photoluminescent carbon nanoparticles from lignin-derived monomers as feedstock
Green Chemistry Letters And Review, 16, 2156031 (2023).

Group Tausch

R. Brunnert, M. W. Tausch:
Green chemistry in STEM education: light for basic concepts
World Journal of Chemical Education, 11, 65 (2023).

M. W. Tausch, J. Schneidewind:
Mit Licht zu grünem Wasserstoff
ChiuZ, 16 (2023).

M. W. Tausch:
Licht und Farbe - ein Muss für den Chemieunterricht
CHEMKON, 30, 230 (2023).

I. Rendon-Enriquez, A. Palma-Cando, F. Körber, F. Niebisch, M. Forster, M. W. Tausch, U. Scherf:
Thin polymer films by oxidative or reductive electropolymerisation and theit applicatioon in electrochromic windows and thin-film sensors
MOLECULES, 28, 883 (2023).